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Music Declares Emergency

No music on a dead planet



Problem + Solution

climate inaction

Music Declares Emergency is a collective of music lovers, artists and industry professionals who are taking a stance against the political inaction concerning climate change. So far 2842 artists, 1243 organisations and 1352 individuals have signed their declaration announcing their concern over the ecological and climate emergency. Through the power of music they are calling on governments to take immediate action to lower emissions and take meaningful action.

A close up image of a handshake against a neutral background.A closeup of a raised fist, against a neutral background.megaphone representing voices heard loud and clear


Who has declared a climate emergency? Check out the 2842 artists

A close up image of a handshake against a neutral background.A closeup of a raised fist, against a neutral background.megaphone representing voices heard loud and clear


Find out how artists, industry professionals and music lovers can act!

A close up image of a handshake against a neutral background.A closeup of a raised fist, against a neutral background.megaphone representing voices heard loud and clear


Sign the declaration and act on climate change

A close up image of a handshake against a neutral background.A closeup of a raised fist, against a neutral background.megaphone representing voices heard loud and clear


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Perfect for...

Music lovers, artists, musicians and music industry professionals

Our Honest Opinion

Music Declares Emergency brings together a community of music lovers who want to take action for the planet. We love how they use music to convey the emergency while creating a collective of music industry professionals supporting each other and calling for political action.

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